Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Can't find our myspace-page?

That's because we've changed it. The new URL is: www.myspace.com/mamakin

A lot better, right?

Monday, 30 March 2009

More from the video shoot

This is kinda cool! Even though this pic was taken by Elias mobile phone camera, you'll get a good idea of how everything was rigged. Lighting was done by Thomas Mets Håkansson, and as you can see, he's a lighting design genius.

Now there's some editing to be done, but we'll get back to you as soon as it's ready.

Stay true,

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Girls, girls, girls

Here's a treat for you! We had the most beautiful and lovely girls dancing in our video, and this clip is two of them, Anna and Emma, dancing in front of the green screen.

Crazy Nights

We've forgotten to tell you, but we celebrated Edwin's birthday friday night. Check out this video where the entire club is singing for him:

Saturday, 28 March 2009


It was only one thing that went wrong during today's video recording: the internet connection went down for some mysterious reason, so blogging went straight out the window. The good news is, we still took a lot of pics and recorded a few video clips, so we'll throw em' up here during the next few days.

For starters, here's a couple of pics from the Epiphone-party we went to friday night. It was a blast from start to finish, and we got a lot of free alcohol that made us extra friendly.

Ward doing an interview, talking about Epiphone-guitars.

Edwin is showing Ward which cymbals he uses.

Edwin and Elias is enjoying the party.

After we left the Epiphone-party we went to club Crazy Nights. Read more about that tomorrow.

Now, we're just going to enjoy having done a good days job, hammer down a few beers and head down to Rocks. See you in the gutter!


Friday, 27 March 2009

Stockholm - Friday

Hello everyone,

This morning has been slow due to several reasons: a way too early wake-up call, cold weather, and a few too many beers yesterday. We did however manage to get back to the video location, and we've been loading off our backline(amps, guitars, drums, etc.) for the shoot.

We're gonna get things up and running here first, and then we're heading down town to do some shopping. We've also been invited to an Epiphone party held @ Medborgarplatsen tonight, and we'll probably stop by @ Crazy Nights, the rock club at Harry B James, to say hello to our friends Nixx Strip and Dave Laroxx, later tonight.

Everything is going as planned so far, and we're getting more and more psyched for the shoot tomorrow.

And hey, keep coming back for updates,

Love, Jon

Thursday, 26 March 2009


We just arrived at the location for the recording of the video.

We'll stay in Stockholm until sunday and will keep you updated on the
shoot all weekend with pics and other stuff, so you might wanna keep
checkin' back often.

Stay sensitive, and if you're in Stockholm, be sure to hit the streets tonight and party with the band.


Friday, 13 March 2009

Photos + Video


We did a photo shoot last weekend. Photos were taken for both our new website and the upcoming single.
Due to total handsomeness and an overload of sex-appeal we were able to wrap things up in a couple of hours. Big thanks to Henrik Hedlund and Lina Jansson for great photos and make up!

We're currently working on ideas for a music video that is to be recorded before the single release. More updates on that will follow!
MAMA KIN wishes you all a rippin' weekend!

Stay hot...

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Mega News Blast

Allright people, we got alot of important news for you:

New pictures! More photos from our gig in Stockholm has been added, along with some behind-the-scenes-footage from our shoot for the album. Check it out and don't forget to comment!

Our official website is coming along nicely. We promise alot of cool features and a rippin' place for all the Kinheads to hang out in!

MAMA KIN has entered the world of Facebook! Be sure to check it out and join the crew: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mama-Kin/73407045188

In case you haven't noticed, we've added a video from the gig in Stockholm. Play it loud.

Til next time, take care and stay hot,

Photo session - Behind the scenes

Here's some "behind the scenes"-footage from our session with photographer Henrik Hedlund. Enjoy! /Jon

Friday, 13 February 2009


Here's a video from the gig @ Harry B James 09.02.06. Enjoy!

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Pics from Nöjesfabriken

Allright, here's some pics from Nöjesfabriken 09.01.24. Big thank you's to everyone who showed up, and an extra big thank you to Henrik Hedlund who snapped the shots!

Wednesday, 11 February 2009


Ah, fellow headbangers,

We're proud to announce that we're booked to play the first summer edition of the Rest In Sleaze-festival later this year! This sleazy extravaganza will take place in Norberg, Sweden the 25th of July this summer, and will most certainly be a night to remember.

The festival is hosted in memory of the late Dave Lepard of Crash Dïet. More info about the festival can be found at: www.rest-in-sleaze.com

We'll see you in Norberg, if not sooner.


Monday, 9 February 2009


MAMA KIN would like to thank everyone who came out and rocked the shit out of Harry B James this friday! It was truly an awesome night, the Stockholm crowd always kicks mega-ass!

Thanx also to Nixx Strip and Dave Laroxx who really made us feel at home.
We've been filming the gigs in both Karlstad and Stockholm, clips and sounds should be up soon!

New gigs are on the way, so keep cummin' back for updates.

AOS for life,

Sunday, 8 February 2009

More Pics

Here are som more pics from the wild night at Harry B James, feb 6. This time it's Malin Fröding who snapped the shots. Much love!

New Pics, Harry B James

Here are some shots from friday's gig at Harry B James, Stockholm SWE. Big thanks to Stina Nyström who took the pics.