Sunday, 25 May 2008


Back in Leon Studios. Right now Ward is laying down the vocal parts on "In the City". It's Sunday, and we're all experiencing the weekend in reverse.

"Caught in between success and misery..."


Friday, 16 May 2008

Words from Ward

Right about now, things couldn´t be more mezmourising. We´ve been layin down five hours of mega-blastin, ultra-heavy-duty radical live-tracks for the album. All in all, 200 Gb of rock. This is, of course, just the beginning...
Keep it tight & stay horny,


Thursday, 15 May 2008


If he's filming us sideways, I'm photographing him upside-down.

Here he is. Big shot producer Rikard Löfgren.



Filming the guys laying down Badge and a gun. This one is a killer!


Wednesday, 14 May 2008


Wednesday morning, and Mama Kin is in Leon Studios. Today we start the recording of our debut album. The next few days we'll update the blog a lot, so check back often for photos, videos and text.

Here's the first treat. These are the twelve songs we'll record over the coming days. This is alphabetical order, not the way they will be on the album.

Badge and a Gun
Fortune & Fame
Higher & higher
In the city
Mrs. Operator
One of a kind
Sunday Morning
Too much
You belong to me

That's all for now,